Colorado Men: Note from Tom Thompson –
Winning Spiritual Warfare Battles are key to men, their family’s, and the children that come out of those family’s, to overcome the world, the flesh and the devil. The spirit of the Lord is on me. Men, are you hungry, and do you need more meat? I have asked Dr Brannon Pruet for help, so, here we go. To start, lets agree, its the word that does the work. Ok, guys, ” VICTORY ” is always on the other side of a fight. Lets step-up and be the man God has called us to be.
Tom Thompson
Letter below is from Brannon:
Men, there is an invisible war that is occurring twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, three hundred sixty-five days a year. The apostle Paul knew this reality well. He wrote to the church in Ephesians 6:12, “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.” Struggle is pali in the Greek, literally meaning a wrestling bout or conflict.
Further, Paul exhorted his readers to rise up (2 Timothy 2: 3-4): “Suffer hardship with me, as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. No soldier in active service entangles himself in the affairs of everyday life, so that he may please the one who enlisted him.”
The battle I am referring to is a spiritual one involving two kingdoms: the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan. Tony Evans described spiritual warfare this way, “A cosmic conflict in the invisible angelic realm that is being fleshed out in the physical realm.”
Make no mistake, this war is not metaphorical. This very real spiritual battle is occurring in the invisible spiritual realm and its impact manifests itself in the visible, physical world. Additionally, this war is not in question. Christ has won! At the cross, He disarmed the powers and principalities and humiliated them (Colossians 2:15). Nonetheless, there are demonic powers influencing countries, territories, cities, governments, neighborhoods, families, and individuals. I am a psychologist and psychotherapist with thirty years of experience treating thousands of people with mental health afflictions, emotional disturbances, addictions, grief, and traumas. While not every psychiatric condition is demonically engendered, there are spiritual forces that often exacerbate the suffering of people. Also, I am called to deliverance ministry and have spent the last several years making this an emphasis of my practice.
My appeal here is to the men reading this blog. I have witnessed over the last several years that men are failing to lead their wives, their children, and their families as a whole. I often see women trying to step into this role and creating imbalance within the home. This must stop! Arise, men of God! Be not ignorant of the schemes of the evil one. He is deceiving men and seducing them with distractions of all sorts- sports, work, social media, porn, addictions, etc. It is my assertion that most every man would benefit from some type of deliverance. How is this possible for the believer?
Human beings are tripartite in nature- body, soul (mind, will, and emotions), and spirit. Many scholars have mused that this is related to being made in the imago Dei (image of God). In short, the body and soul are not fully redeemed at salvation. They are still affected by sin. Let me be clear: the believer cannot be fully possessed or owned by the devil or demons. They can, however, be oppressed or influenced by them. The spirit of a saved man is indwelt with the Holy Spirit of the Living God! No demon can therefore possess a born again, spirit-filled believer. This disclosure may challenge the theology of many. This doctrine may be considered a fringe element of the faith. I say it is indispensable for our success as gospel followers and witnesses.
In fact, one-third of the miracles of Jesus were deliverance related. When Jesus sent out his disciples in Matthew 10 and Luke 10, they were commissioned with the purpose of healing and deliverance through the Spirit. Our industrialized and civilized society seems to have no place for the supernatural. It’s time we embraced the truth of what’s behind many of our struggles.
As I have stated above, the flesh and soulish realms of a person may be oppressed by demonic powers. They may create/exacerbate infirmities, intrusive thoughts, addictions, perversions, mental conditions, and emotional disturbances. In truth, not everything is a demon. The flesh has its own appetites and lusts (Galatians 5:19-26). Still, demons are clever. They hide in the flesh/ soulish realms and subtly influence the behavior and thoughts of a person.
Men, it’s time to act. We must understand our enemy and fight back! “Our weapons are not carnal, but spiritual and mighty for the tearing down of strongholds!” (2 Cor. 10:4). We must be ready like the men in Nehemiah’s day- building our families and homes but being always on guard to defend them. Moreover, it is time for the men of God to advance the kingdom of God and go on the offensive. More to come! Blessings in Christ, brothers.
Brannon Pruet, PhD, LPC, CAS