TOM THOMPSON HERE! I am 77 years old, have been in the furniture business for 54 years. Did my military service in the army from 1964 to 1967. Guy’s –for many years, the Edwin Louis Cole family has been sowing into my life and every member of my family.
I know I am breaking all the laws about what a blog is supposed to look like and talk about.
Well–OK–Now you know, I am a rule breaker. Speaking into your life brother is very important, I want to give you meat not just milk. Will you put up with my first blog? I PROMISE new and fresh revelation from God will be on the blog–YOU’LL BE THE FIRST TO HEAR ALL ABOUT IT.
I will be Pinpointing areas of your life for change and encouraging you in your strengths, convictions and dreams. Some men will skim through and receive some help. Others—-and I trust this means YOU—will read the books, meditate on the truths and memorize the principles ( the word ), all with ambition of becoming great men of courage, mighty men of valor —the heroes desperately needed in TODAY’S world. My goal is for YOU to be changed, educated and, most of all, deepened in conviction and revelation that comes only from drawing close to God. My dream in preparing this course is for men to rise up throughout the world to STUDY FURTHER, TEACH BETTER, AND REACH MORE MEN FOR CHRIST THAN I HAVE. To that end and for that purpose, I have devoted my life and labor for the last 50 years. This may will be ONE OF THE MOST LIFE-CHANGING EXPERIENCES OF YOUR LIFE. Let it be. Better yet—make it be. Truth is like soap. It works only if it’s applied. I ADMIRE YOU FOR TAKING THIS STEP.

MAXIMIZE your life, as millions of men have worldwide by studying the Christian Classic, Maximized Manhood! Edwin Louis Cole, the ” father of the Christian Men’s Movement “, spoke with a prophetic voice to men —BUILDING A NEW GENERATION OF MEN WHO BELIEVE AND PROCLAIM—” MANHOOD AND CHRISTLIKENESS ARE SYNONYMOUS “. Just months before leaving earth for heaven, he revised his signature work, adding five crucial chapters he believed would strengthen Maximized Manhood for the next generation—-Adult boy’s, it’s in the cross, That’s my dad and Burn out: Don’t fade out. This book talks about your identity in Christ.

As men, we were in crisis long before the pandemic and cultural upheaval. Today’s environment has only poured gas on the fire. You’ve seen the alarming statistics. I don’t need to repeat them.
To bring Christ into the life of every man in every nation, NEVER QUIT will energize men by the power of the Holy Spirit into greater anointing. During this intensive Majoring in Men study—-you will be using a book and study guide that includes scripture reference to every chapter —WE’LL COVER:
* What to do in this present crisis and what NOT to do.
* “How to” on transforming crisis into an overwhelming success.
* What is your part, what is God’s part—-REMEMBER : you are not God. You can’t do what He can, He won’t do what you can.
* Maintaining your new level—it’s always easier to obtain than maintain.
* And a ton more, as we answer questions and share ideas from MEN OF COLORADO who are searching for answers just like you.

Society’s widening gap between technological achievement and moral decay compels men of courage, integrity and true manhood to stand strong.
In a quest for satisfaction, many men have lost the MEANING OF MANHOOD, surrendering ideals to things immoral, unethical or irresponsible.
Today’s tough times require men to overcome dangerous philosophies and bring hope, dignity and order back to a world in desperate need —-men who are willing to be heroes.
Train your whole team together. Develop measurable, sustainable, reproducible ministry to men to recapture time, reach the community, and attract new families . Strong Men – Strong Families – Strong Churches

Majoring in Men® will bring wisdom, courage, and strength into the heart of any man. The basic elements are a book with a corresponding workbook.

You can become a stalwart men in a shifting world from any start point. Heal father wounds, recover relationships, gain a solid footing in a career. Become an irresistible husband and a father your kids respect.